Cruïlla’s audience is as diverse as its line-up, that’s why we are committed to respond to all their needs and make it accessible to all kinds of realities.

Here we tell you about all the actions we carried out as a festival to make it a space that invites reflection, nourishes the critical spirit, is open to everyone and makes everyone who is part of it feel at home.


Although we are all exposed to the climate crisis, we know that its effects and the inequalities it generates are not the same for everyone. It affects more those who are less responsible for it: people living in poverty and exclusion and future generations.

One of the most serious problems it causes is the lack of access to clean and potable water. That is why this year we have collaborated with Oxfam Intermón to raise awareness of the consequences of the climate crisis for many people in the world affected by severe floods or droughts, and the vital work carried out by this NGO to improve access to safe water and ensure adequate hygiene and sanitation conditions.

This year Oxfam Intermón gave its name to one of the stages of the festival and the donations collected from ticket sales and the cashless wristband have been donated to this organization.



As a new feature of this edition, we presented the Espai Transforma’t, a space articulated with multiple actors in the cooperation sector, especially NGOs, within the Festival Cruïlla, with the aim of generating critical awareness in the public of the festival, in a playful and positive way, coordinated with the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation of the Government of the Generalitat.

In total, 16 entities have participated in this space designed to provoke reflection on the situation in the world, inequalities and injustices and the structural causes that provoke them, as well as to promote awareness of individual and collective responsibility that will serve to motivate mobilization and action to transform the world.



We want to create a comfortable, safe, civic and respectful space for the attendees. That is why we offered specific training to staff on aspects such as equality and non-discriminatory treatment.

And a space is not safe if half of the attendees do not feel safe. To prevent and deal with any aggression or sexist behavior, year after year we apply the No Callem protocol of the Barcelona City Council, present in a visible space during the festival. We will also did not tolerate any LGTBIQphobic, racist, capacitist or any other attitude that threatens the safety, welfare and rights of the festival attendees.

We gave access to the festival to groups at risk of vulnerability and social exclusion with the collaboration of Apropa Cultura and this year, the socio-cultural association Encantades made accessible to deaf people the concert of Ciudad Jara held on Friday July 7 at 19:15h at the Vueling stage interpreting it in sign language. The interpreters Aitor Pérez Rello and Anna Armadà Aguirre were in charge of signing the concert. Also the collective Encantades made an interview to this Valencian group that was shared on their YouTube channel.

Also, since the festival coincided with the celebration of the 6th World Parkinson Congress (WPC 2023), we offered discounts to all attendees and several members of the Cruïlla team were part of the ‘Parkinson’s Ready’ training, organized by the Catalan Association for Parkinson and the Barcelona Convention Bureau, in order to properly assist all participants of the WPC 2023 who come to the festival.

We had areas adapted for people with reduced mobility on all stages, with good visibility of the artists. We offer discounts for people with disabilities and also for their companion in case the certificate specifies it. Finally, we offer discounts for unemployed people, facilitating access to culture as an essential good and not as a luxury.


For us, social commitment is not just another branch of the festival: it is its root.

We believe that big events have to tend towards the Cruïlla model. A model of medium-sized festivals, aimed at local audiences, committed to the territory, citizens and the environment.